Who doesn’t want to be thin and more youthful in appearance? Therefore Dr. Sumedha Dalvi and Purple Lotus Aesthetics uses a technique UltraSlim which uses non-destructive photonic energy to comfortably stimulate the treated tissue to effect lipolysis, immediate fat reduction, and/or skin rejuvenation.
UltraSlim is the only body contouring device that is classified as Risk Group 1, the safest category of medical devices. There is no pain, no discomfort, no downtime, no dysmorphic fat accumulations, no paradoxical adipocyte hyperplasia, no adipogenesis, and no side effects or adverse outcomes of any kind.
Patients enjoy more results and immediate results in your office, without waiting months with barbaric, old-fashioned fat freezers, lasers, radio waves, ultrasound, or other painful energy-based apoptosis devices.